summer icon copy

What's on this week

af pub style classics icon copy

Pub-style classics

$2.00 - $3.50 co-pay per meal

af home style favourites icon copy

Home-style favourites

$2.00 - $3.50 co-pay per meal

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$2.00 -$3.00 co-pay per meal

af asian icon copy


$2.00 - 3.00 co-pay per meal

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$2.00 - 3.50 co-pay per meal

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Seasonal Savers

$2.00 co-pay per item

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50c - $1.50 per snack

Texture Modified Meals

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Minced & Moist Meals (Level 5)

$2.00 - $3.50 co-pay per meal Minced & Moist (Level 5)

DISCLAIMER: Please consult with your health practitioner to understand which IDDSI texture level is safest for you.

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Pureed Meals (Level 4)

$2.00 - $3.50 co-pay per meal Pureed (Level 4)

DISCLAIMER: Please consult with you health practitioner to understand which IDDSI texture level is safest for you.

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Texture Modified Desserts (Pureed Level 4)

$0.50 co-pay per item

DISCLAIMER: Please consult with you health practitioner to understand which IDDSI texture level is safest for you.

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Seasonal Savers Texture Modified

$2 co-pay per item

Item added to cart.
0 items - $0.00

Delivery Day and Time

Order Cut Off

Orders must be received by 5pm on Wednesday.

Check Delivery

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