
The Traditional meal plan offers you a rotation of our favourite Aussie classics, from Fish n’ Chips to the Classic Chicken Parmigiana

pub style group

Sneak peek

These images are only a preview of the meals in this plan and exact inclusions may vary.

homestyle group able foods

What's included

A rotating selection of our classic and timeless main meals.

From the list of meals provided, you can choose how many meals will be included in your plan, as long as it fits within your service agreement.

You can also add snack, breakfast and dessert bundles to your meal plan!

Adding these bundles to your meal plans may be subject to your service agreement. Speak to our team to find out how you can get the most out of your Able Foods order.

How it works


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Ready to get started?

Speak to our team to arrange your meal plan today.

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Orders must be received by 5pm on Wednesday.

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